Hit 'em wit that wham
Monday, December 8, 2008
Yoooo...what up what up what up...
First off...Taco Bell and basketball practice...don't mix...lol
But other than my meeting with constipation, i had a pretty good day...school was smooth, and practice was...practice lol...still cant wait 'til my church Youth Conference at First Baptist World Changers on the 18th-20th...that's a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday...Thurs and Fri at 6:30pm, and Saturday at 3pm...
But uhhhh...yeah...guess ill preach...
So the question keeps getting thrown around my church "why are teens more attracted to the things of the world, rather than the church?"
Good question...
Well my answer simply states:
The Bible says we are "born INTO SIN" so off rip we're at a disadvantage...now...you could either be the child of a church going family, or a non-church going fam...
Here is how it is
Now, those who are the child of church families are raised in the church and fed the Word on a consistent basis...cool...so, as this child becomes older and matures, then hits the ever so life determining teen years...still in the church, but comes into contact with so many worldly people makes it hard to maintain that faith walk...the peer pressure comes so strong and frequent that its almost impossible to say no...it takes a different, dissimilar, faithful person to have the guts to tell the world no, and become the outcast, the one who stays home to read their bible while all the others are at the parties, clubs and whatnot...the temptation of drugs, sex, and life in the fast lane...the music...oh the music...the music nowadays is full of sex, dope dealin', small hints of homosexuality and transexuality...most in this situation succumb to the pressure...submit in shame...only very few survive with Christ...its just so hard for 'em...the standard of the great huge world versus the small tiny church...you're drowned with it for the 5-6 days you don't go to church...so much to the point that you're numb to the message...numb to the gospel...numb to Christ...you become one of them...the worldly...only few come back to the church and repent...many don't...
Now...the flip side...
Ok now growing up in the world and finding Christ is just as difficult...you simply have those who stay fixated in the world...which is the norm...but as I've experienced myself, the trials and tribulations could cause people to find Christ...but some people like myself...have to be hit a lil bit harder and be knocked down, forced to look up and reach up to GOD...the teens that are like this today really don't come out of that trap...predominantly only those who reach more mature years...those who've slowed down in life and had time to reflect...repent and come to Christ...but not many...
This is why the Kingdom of GOD is struggling to grab the attention of the young...the world has been given too much power...television...radio...fashion...all of which have profound effects on the mind of a child, teen and young adult...
We need the dissimilar...those who will fight the ways of the world...will it be you?
God Bless and Gods Label Up
...Ok Trae...Ignoring Ur Constipation Comments...LOL!!! I Feel U On The Diffrences Between The Those Who Grow Up N The Church & Those Who Don't...But @ Tha Same Time I Think That All Teenagers Are More Or Less The Same...They All R Gonna Get N Sum Kindda Mess...& Fall Into Worldly Ways...But Those Who R Gettin The Word Earlier N Life R More Likely 2 Make Better Choices...Compared 2 Those Who Have Known Nothing But Sin In Life...& Have Seen It As Acceptable Behavior...Say Someone Like OUR SISTER...U Kno Who Im Talkin Bout...Neway...U R Rite About How Much Influence The World Has On Teenagers...& Its Too Bad...Im A Diffrent Breed...I Was In Church As A Little Girl...Left @ The Most Critical Age...& Came Back Once It Was 2 Late...& Now Im Lost Again...Oh Well Ill Find Ma Way Back...Love U
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