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    What Has Trae Isaac Been Doing?!

    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    So umm...what have i been doing? Well...

    Gotta brush my teeth first...
    You already know its always GOD's Label UP!

    Big Bro Flaco and I still foolin...

    Did YOU go to the Lupe/B.o.B concert??? EPIC!!!

    Still sellin Anti-Lust tees on the webstore HERE
    Got a new job :) gotta dress spiffy's nothin to me...

    If i didn't post pancakes...then this is not my blog lol

    #SaturdayNiteCipher LivePainting...

    Still sellin Anti-Hate tees on the webstore HERE

    Always featured in a fashion show...

    And still eating this semi-decent campus food...

    P.S. follow me on Twitter @TraeIsaac